Huntsman has established conduct standards for its business-related practices that are set out in our Business Conduct Guidelines. These Huntsman Business Conduct Guidelines ("Guidelines") reflect our commitment to our values of honesty, integrity, respect, and responsibility. Huntsman expects that its vendors will share and embrace these values as well as our commitment to regulatory compliance.
While vendors are independent entities from Huntsman, the business practices and actions of a vendor, when conducting business with or on behalf of Huntsman, may significantly impact and reflect upon our Company. Because of this, Huntsman expects all vendors and their employees, agents, and subcontractors ("representatives") to follow our high ethical standards set forth in these Guidelines, while they are conducting business with us or on our behalf.
It is the responsibility of our vendors and representatives to understand and adhere to Huntsman’s expectations. Vendors should notify a member of Huntsman management if and when any situation develops that causes the vendor or representative to operate in a way that may be in conflict with Huntsman’s expectations. Huntsman may request the removal of any vendor or representative who behaves in a manner that we consider to be acting inconsistent with these Guidelines or any Huntsman policy.
View Huntsman Vendor Code of Conduct
Expected Conduct of Vendors and Representatives
While conducting business with or on behalf of Huntsman, all vendors and representatives are expected to conduct their business interactions and activities with integrity and in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations of their respective countries. Huntsman expects its vendors and representatives to share its commitment to human rights and equal opportunity in the workplace. In addition to the obligations under the vendor’s agreement with Huntsman, all vendors and representatives are required to follow our ethical standards, which include expected conduct in the areas of regulatory compliance, business practices, and employment. A summary of these expectations is noted in this document.