OSHA (US) GHS Newsletter
On behalf of Huntsman Advanced Materials Americas, Inc., this letter is to inform you, the customer, that we will implement the OSHA GHS (OSHA 1910.1200 rev 2012) Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) on or about February 18, 2015.
GHS is a global system that standardizes how chemicals are classified and labeled. GHS establishes criteria for classifying chemicals according to their physical, health and environmental hazards, and provides the elements for uniform labeling requirements and hazard communication of chemical products.
The material quality and specifications of our products will not change as a result of GHS implementation. However, the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and labels of our products will be revised to the new GHS format with pictograms designed to help communicate hazards. The new pictograms and a brief description of their meanings can be viewed by going to: http://www.schc.org/ghs-symbol-pictograms
Orders received on or about February 18, 2015 will automatically be sent with the GHS SDS and label. Currently, this notice of GHS implementation only applies for products supplied to you, the customer, by Huntsman Advanced Materials Americas, Inc.
Should you have any further questions, please contact your account manager or Petharnan Subramanian, via email or call: petharnan_subramanian@huntsman.com or 281-719-6763.